#tommy get me out of here kinard
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zenon-karr · 11 months ago
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Eddie after finding out Buck is queer but isn’t into him
as requested by @blue-cheeseinmyoffwhites
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rimatsu · 2 months ago
if tommy doesn't propose by asking buck "will you be my last, evan?" then what's the point of anything really
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loucifersbitch · 4 months ago
It’s fine. It’ll be fine.
That’s what he tells himself. 
He leaves Evan’s apartment, a bit shell shocked at what just happened, and he tells himself it’ll be fine. He gets in the elevator, hits the button for the ground floor, and tells himself it’ll be fine. He leaves Evan’s building for the last time. It’ll be fine. He drives home, hitting every fucking red light possible. It’s fine. He pulls into his garage and sees the sweatshirt Evan left hanging on the broom in the corner. It’ll be fine. He walks into the house and is immediately hit with the scent of vanilla and cinnamon from the wallflower air freshener Evan bought two weeks ago. It’s fine. He strips and - foregoing his shower until morning - crawls into bed, lying on his side. It’ll be fine. 
He turns over and sees the framed photo of himself and Evan during Evan’s first flying lesson. Evan had been ecstatic, nearly bouncing off the walls as Tommy explained the controls. The look on Evan’s face when he landed them almost perfectly on his first try was - Tommy will never forget it. It’s fine.
He feels numb. He thinks he should be crying. It’s normal to cry, right? That’s what normal people do after a breakup. 
And he -
He loved Evan. He loves Evan. He will probably always love Evan. 
And therein lies the problem. Evan is so sweet and kind, and maybe he even loves Tommy a little. But Evan doesn’t deserve to have to settle. He shouldn’t have to feel obligated to Tommy for - for opening his eyes and mind to his attraction to men. Evan will be fine. He’ll move on, find someone who deserves to be loved by him. That’s what Tommy will keep telling himself.
It’s fine. It’ll be fine.
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maddiekinard · 8 months ago
Why are we arguing about tommys age who gaf buck is a grown ass man
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karenandhenwilson · 2 months ago
I love how we have come up with half a dozen or more names for our ship.
This thought has been brought up by one of my fandom groups discussing all the different names we have for Buck and Tommy. It's fun to see them all and to talk about how they came to be. I think it really shows our excitement and joy and love for the ship. Wanna tell me in tags or reposts what ship name you like the most and the least and why and what you remember of the origins?
Also, I think it's really funny how a certain group of haters is so desperate in their obsession that they try to mock us about it but then also came up with their own version of a ship name just so they have a slur for it.
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asraindarkness · 8 months ago
i see you talking about eddie third wheeling buck and tommy now that he’s alone and i raise you one better: ravi third wheeling them.
now walk with me here.
between the 118 buck is the straight looking red blooded american boy so i don’t think gerrard will be in his hair that much. hen and chim aren’t the young probies they where once and i think after the medal ceremony gerrard wont really mess with them either which leaves eddie and ravi and we all now gerrard obsession with harassing probies especially not-white ones.
so along with harassing others he’ll be extra ass to ravi to the point that buck decides to put the chainsaw down and have the poor kid’s back lol (not that ravi cant handle himself but bitchiness and sarcasm of two men is better than one)
so they’ll become closer but one thing that buck don’t know is ravi and tommy became friends at the medal ceremony and tommy’s teaching him muay thai ( or some shit like this idk make them friends)
so one day when buck’s gonna go to tommy’s place he get a massage from tommy asking if he’s ok with him asking ravi to stay for dinner cuz “i made indian food for dinner and i don’t have the heart to send the kid home without having some”
buck says yes, naturally and they spend the night bitching about gerrard (as they should) and tommy hyping them to be more annoying to him lol and at a moment of weakness tommy says “ i’ll buy you food every time you two successfully give gerrard a heart attack”
at that point tommy spend his days getting selfies of buck and ravi showing 👍 with gerrard corpse.
ps: at this point buck and tommy spend so many dinners with ravi that it’s like they practically adopt him so buck feels like it’s his responsibility to follow him with chainsaws again when ravi doesn’t eat his vegetables
pss: tommy doesn’t eat his vegetables either. they both run from buck and his chainsaw
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sharonccrter · 7 months ago
Did I miss something? Tommy is like a minor character, and the actor is basically a guest star. Why is he being touted as some important character within the fandom? I've seen comparisons to literal main characters of other shows. Like not only is it not that deep, he's literally not that important.
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madlori · 10 months ago
On Tommy Kinard
"It's not that I don't like Buck and Tommy, it's just happening so fast, he's underdeveloped!"
*clears throat*
Here is a recap of what we know about Tommy. And this is just off the top of my head, I didn't rewatch anything.
He was closeted at the 118 before and found the atmosphere repressive. He (probably) acted like a dick to fit in. When presented with the chance to make things better, he took it, and developed positive relationships with Hen, Chim and Bobby.
He was in the army and trained there as a pilot.
He knows Muay Thai and has a set up in his house.
He likes to work on cars and has a lift at his house (where TF does he live is my question - he has some nerve being agog at Buck's loft if he has a muay thai gym and a car lift)
He is down for violating departmental policy at the drop of a hat (has done so on at least two occasions) to help a friend and has no problems fucking with the fire chief.
He is a nerd. He likes pub trivia and has incorrect Star Wars opinions, and can keep up with Chim in the movie-quoting department.
His favorite movie is "Love, Actually" and he likes craft beer and monster trucks.
He came out when he transferred to Harbor and felt comfortable enough to stop lying about who he was.
He follows MMA and has friends in Vegas who like him well enough to hook him up to a frankly insane degree.
He'll risk his own life and engage in helicopter skulduggery to save people he doesn't know...I mean, apart from doing that for a living.
He'll take time out of his day to give a tour to the cute boy who called him up and offer to give that boy flying lessons (a significant time investment) which was probably maybe about more one on one time with said boy.
He yearns for the belonging and found family that the 118 became after his departure and probably befriended Eddie hoping to earn a plate at the cookout, aside from just clicking with him.
He likes Eddie and Chris a lot and they like him. Chimney also likes him.
He was attracted to Buck right away and was emotionally aware enough to pick up on Buck's jealous feelings over Eddie and his friendship, even if he was surprised that it was him Buck wanted to get to know.
He respects and values Buck and Eddie's friendship and wanted to make sure Buck knew that.
He's brave enough to shoot his shot by planting one on a dude.
He's a lil bitchy but also generous and ready to throw in with this insane guy who's inviting him to a family wedding after 0.5 dates.
He showed up to a bachelor party when he was on call because Buck asked him to, then showed up in turnouts after fighting a fire for like 12 hours yadda yadda we all know this part.
He has got it BAD for one Evan Buckley, who he only calls "Evan" which according to LFJR is a conscious decision by the writers, which fascinates me.
He was willing to take a chance with a man just discovering his sexuality BUT wasn't willing to put himself through that if the man in question wasn't ready for it. When Buck showed him that he was, he was all in.
He does NOT take his coffee like that.
Oh and
He's a beast.
This is VASTLY more information than we knew about ANY of Buck's previous girlfriends with the possible exception of Abby. Even Taylor did not get this much development over 20 episodes (things we knew about her: she was an ambitious and ethically flexible reporter, did not eat fudge, had a dad in jail, and sometimes jogged for exercise, she was capable of being nice and did love Buck, I believe). And as for it being fast? Sometimes it just be like that? A relationship doesn't have to have year(s) of buildup. Sometimes people do just meet, like each other, and start dating, in fact in the real world that's usually what happens. It's in TV Land that you have to have eighteen seasons of UST before pulling the trigger. Most of the time in reality people just vibe off each other and decide to go out and THEN they learn about each other.
And they've got a great start. You'd think they'd barely spoken by how a few naysayers are talking about it - the loft scene was like a solid five minutes of very open conversation, the Cringe Date seemed to have gone well and again, open and honest (if cringey) conversation before Cockblocker Eddie showed up, and the coffee meetup was again....open and honest conversation. They're not gonna show us long scenes of them exchanging firefighting stories and workout preferences (I mean, I'd watch that, but it's not what the show is about).
In conclusion, anyone saying he's poorly developed or the relationship is "out of nowhere" either is being willfully obtuse or has ridiculously unrealistic expectations for relationships and/or what constitutes character development.
As for whether they have chemistry, that's a matter of subjective opinion. Given that a TON of people watched that harbor tour scene (even when it was posted as a sneak peek) and started going "wait...what's going on here...are they flirting??" might be a clue. People were talking about Bi!Buck maybe happening with Tommy based solely off that clip of the harbor tour and what they were seeing between them. And imho that loft scene was crackling. But we all see things through the lenses of our biases, myself included.
Got that off my chest, whew.
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cjlouwho · 4 months ago
He wished he could say he knew it was a bad idea before it happened, but he didn't.
It wasn't until the saw blade had sliced straight down his leg and the blood started seeping onto his pants and pooling on the garage floor that he realized hey, maybe I should have been a little more careful.
Still, without allowing himself to panic, he made himself a tourniquet before getting into his truck and heading toward the hospital.
“I was going through your files, Thomas,” Tommy's nurse, Angela, said as she walked into his room, “and you have a blank space where your emergency contact should be. Why's that?”
“Well good morning to you too, Angela,” Tommy replied, plastering on a grin. “Lovely to see you, as always.”
She cocked her head to the side, resting a hand on her hip. “Mhm. You need an emergency contact, Thomas.”
“Nobody calls me Thomas, Angela.”
“And nobody calls me Angela, Thomas.”
Tommy pushed himself up in the bed, wincing slightly at the pain that radiated down his leg. “What do they call you then? Angie? Ang? Ella?”
“This is serious, Mr. Kinard.”
Angela sighed. “With your career, it's very important to have an emergency contact on file.” She moved closer to him, maneuvering the tray table over his lap and setting some paperwork down with a pen. “Get to writing.”
“Okay, okay,” he relented, picking up the pen. She waited as his hand hovered over the form. After a few seconds, he blinked up at her. “What's your number?”
“I find it very hard to believe that a pretty boy like you doesn't have at least one name and number he can drag from his phone to that piece of paper right there.”
“Is that a no on your number?”
“As long as no infection gets in that leg, you'll be out of here tomorrow,” she said, ignoring his question. “You have to have a ride or we can't release you.”
“Oh, come on,” Tommy whined, “I drove myself here!”
“Which was stupid!” She replied. “A gash that big, nearly to the bone. You're lucky you didn't bleed out on your way in.”
“My tourniquet skills are unmatched.”
“Well your common sense skills could use some work.” She took a look at her watch, let out another sigh. “I'll leave the paperwork with you. I'll be back in two hours to change your dressing and give you some meds.” She tapped on the paper, “I want a name and a number when I get back.”
Tommy grinned up at her, “Yes, Ma'am.”
He kept the smile on his face until she was out of the room, then he dropped the act. He tossed the pen down and pushed the tray away from him, pressing the button on the side of his bed so he'd be lying down.
Carefully, as to not disturb his leg, he turned onto his side and closed his eyes, letting sleep take over.
When Tommy woke up nearly an hour later, it was due to loud noises across the hall.
A lot of it.
There was some shushing, and things quieted down for a minute, then it started back up again. It almost sounded like they were having a party over there.
When another round of laughter started, Tommy decided to get up and take a look at what was causing all the commotion.
Moving around too much wasn't recommended after the surgery and stitches he had to have for the gash on his leg, but he was tired of doing nothing and the door wasn't that far away.
Cautiously, he sat up and swung his legs around until he was sitting on the edge of the bed. He pushed himself up, groaning slightly at the pain.
He clenched his teeth together and took a step, barely tiptoeing with his left foot to keep as much pressure on the right as he could.
He managed to make it to the door in five steps, leaning against the frame as he stared at the room across the hall.
The door was halfway open, filled with more people than Tommy thought was allowed in a room. He could see flowers on a corner table, and balloons nearby with GET WELL SOON written on them.
A man peeked around the corner, his smile turning into a grimace. “Sorry!” he exclaimed. “We're trying to keep it down over here.”
“Oh, you're fine,” Tommy assured him, motioning to his leg. “Needed to move around a bit.”
“Our boy over here just had surgery on his leg too,” the man said. “Trying to cheer him up since he'll be out of office for a couple months.”
Tommy forced a smile. “That's nice. Please, don't mind me. I'm not gonna be making it much further than here, just needed to get out of bed.”
“Alright. Feel better, Man.”
Tommy nodded. “Thanks.”
As the man disappeared back behind the door, Tommy turned back to his room. It'd been three days since his surgery, but there wasn't a balloon in sight. No flowers, no stuffed animals, no people. Nothing.
It was fine though. It wasn't like he needed those things. His captain had texted him that all his shifts had been covered, not to worry. A couple of coworkers had sent him teasing messages about hurting himself off the clock.
That was enough.
As he got back to the bed and laid down, he grabbed his phone off of the tray table. He was forever thankful to Angela for going downstairs to the gift shop on his first day in recovery to get him a charger.
He opened up the Uber app and clicked through all the steps to schedule a ride home tomorrow. He'd come back sometime soon to pick up his truck.
Once that was settled, he looked at the time. Angela would be back soon, and expecting a name and number on that piece of paper.
With a very dramatic eye roll, he grabbed the pen and quickly wrote down a name and a number.
Twenty minutes after changing his dressing and getting his paperwork, Angela walked back into the room with a glare on her face. “You can't have Uber's corporate number as your emergency contact, Tommy.”
He gave her his award winning smile. “Hey, you called me Tommy!”
“I'm being serious with you. Who is Gary P.? Did you make him up?”
“Absolutely not,” Tommy gasped, feigning offense. “Gary P. is the lovely man who will be taking me home tomorrow. For the low, low price of $42.35. That's before tip, of course.”
“So you put your Uber driver down and added the corporate number?”
“You're in the wrong field, Angela,” Tommy said, wiggling his finger toward her. “You should be a detective.”
Tommy hadn't asked, but he was pretty sure by the face Angela was giving him that she was a mother. “What is this?” she asked. “Too macho to let anyone know you're hurt?”
“I've actually worked very hard to rid myself of toxic masculinity, thank you very much.”
“You've been a nurse a long time, Angela,” Tommy interrupted, beginning to feel a little irritated by her refusal to let it go. “I'm sure I'm not your first patient without an emergency contact.”
“You're not,” she agreed. “But with your job, you could have your captain or a coworker-”
“If I get hurt on the job, my captain and coworkers will already know. I'm not going to have them running down to the hospital because I didn't properly secure a saw. I texted my captain that I'd be out of commission for a while, he texted back. It's all good.”
“A parent?”
“No mom.”
“Your dad then?”
He let out a humorless laugh. “Angela, please, don't joke like that.”
“If something serious were to happen to you, you need someone on the form.”
Tommy rested his head against the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. “If something serious were to happen to me, let it happen,” he said. “We're all gonna die anyway, don't need anyone to watch.”
He could feel her watching him. Could sense the pity. He closed his eyes, hoping she got the hint.
After a few seconds, he heard her shuffling around, and when he opened his eyes again, she was gone.
Gary P. wasn't exactly the kindest man Tommy had ever met. He seemed frustrated that he had to pick Tommy up in the first place, as if he hadn't accepted the ride. He was impatient, huffy, took two wrong turns, and practically shooed Tommy out of the car the second they arrived at his house.
“You know, Gary,” Tommy said as he pushed the car door open and took a wobbly step onto his driveway, “I'm beginning to regret putting you as my emergency contact.”
Before Gary could even register what Tommy had said, he slammed the door and turned toward his house.
As soon as he got inside, he headed for the couch. He tossed down his keys, phone, and the bag of pain meds from the hospital pharmacy before sitting down himself. He propped his leg up on the coffee table and leaned his head back, closing his eyes and falling asleep.
When he woke back up it was due to a throbbing in his leg. He couldn't help the moan that escaped him as he tried to pull himself back up from the slumped position he'd sunk into.
He reached over for his meds and grabbed the bottle out of the bag, popping off the lid and shaking out one of the pills into his palm.
He needed water. He'd never been able to swallow pills without a drink of some kind. But water was all the way in the kitchen and the kitchen felt very far away right now. Especially when he could feel his heart beating in his leg.
Still, he knew the pain would only get worse if he didn't get up. So, he stood and his groans turned into whimpers with each step he took.
He ignored the pain as best as he could, stopping when he reached the fridge to lean against it with his hands gripping the door handle.
After letting himself take a few deep breaths, he opened the fridge and grabbed a water. He opened the bottle quickly and swallowed the pill, feeling a slight vindication at the fact that he'd done it and he could go back and rest again.
And that's when it hit him. Standing in the middle of his kitchen, staring back toward the living room, it hit him all at once.
He'd need to fix himself something to eat soon, or order something at least. Either way, he'd be walking to the kitchen or the front door. He needed to go to the bathroom. Needed a shower. Needed to rewrap his leg. He desperately wanted to sleep in his bed but wasn't sure if he could get back up after he laid down. Then he remembered he was in the middle of washing his sheets when he hurt himself so they were still in the washer, probably soured, which meant he needed to get his spare set of sheets out of the linen closet and make his bed.
He'd have to get another Uber in a day or two to go pick up his truck. God, what if he got Gary again? He needed to let his captain know when he'd be back at work. Needed to remember to get a release form when he went back to the doctor for a checkup. He needed to go grocery shopping. He needed to make sure all his bills were paid for the month. He needed... he needed help.
He needed someone.
He was so damn tired.
His eyes burned as he rested his elbows on his countertop, digging the palms of his hands into his eyes.
He was fine.
It was fine.
He didn't need anybody.
The couch would be fine for tonight.
He'd figure everything else out on his own.
He'd always figured everything out on his own.
This was no different. He just needed the pain to stop and to get some rest and he'd be fine.
With a deep breath, he straightened up. He ignored his blurry, wet eyes as he took each pain-filled step back to the couch. And if a few tears fell down his face on the way, well, at least no one would ever know.
It took three and a half weeks before his leg was healed enough for him to return to work.
There was no big fanfare on his first day back, which he was thankful for.
A couple of people gave him a high five and asked him how gnarly the scar was. One guy told him he was forced to take three of his shifts, so Tommy owed him. His captain kept him on light duty and told him to make sure he let him know if he felt any pain.
Other than that, it was a regular day.
Another week passed until he could go back up in the chopper. He was thankful to be back in the air again. Back where he belonged. He could forget everything when he was in the air.
Just focus on flying. That's the way he liked it.
It was in the middle of his second shift back as pilot when his phone buzzed in his pocket.
He stared at the name that lit up on his screen, eyebrows furrowed in confusion before answering.
“Howie? What's up, Man?”
“Hey, Tommy! Long time no talk, I know, but I, uh, I got a big favor to ask.”
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apartmentsmoke · 3 months ago
Probationary firefighter Evan Buckley, trying everything he can to get his Captain's attention - but even his best rescues get him nowhere, no clap on the back, not even a damn compliment.
And it's not like Captain Kinard is incapable of them. Buck's seen him shoot the shit with DeLuca, play Chimney in basketball, praise Hen for her quick thinking. He only dislikes Buck.
Buck starts acting out more. He's taking risks in the field he hadn't been previously, and the first time Kinard rounds on him, after a dangerous rope rescue that left Buck bruised and bloody, he's happy.
He keeps it up until Kinard has no choice to pull him into his office. Kinard keeps it professional, says he's concerned, Buck's fellow firefighters are concerned, and if Buck keeps this up he might not have a job soon.
Buck promises to do better and god, he tries. He does everything by the book. And Kinard goes right back to ignoring him. The slaps on the back from DeLuca, Chim and Hen's quiet support - they're not enough. He needs Kinard to notice him. He hooks up while he's working through his feelings, asks her to tell him he's doing good while he's eating her out. It helps. It's still not enough.
Next shift, he pulls his riskiest move yet. It gets him pulled into Kinard's office, and Kinard is standing this time, and he looks pissed. Buck is thrilled.
"Do you get off on this?" Kinard asks him. "Is this your current stop in your adrenaline seeking adventures?
Then, quieter, like he's admitting something to himself - "Maybe I'm not the right Captain for you. Maybe you'd do better at a different house."
Buck panics. He's come to really like working here. "No - I think you're a good Captain, I like working at this house. I want to stay."
Kinard breaks eye contact. "I don't know what you need, Buckley. But you can't keep doing this. You're going to get yourself killed and I -" Kinard looks upward, and Buck is fascinated. He's never seen the Captain like this before. "I don't know if I could watch that. If you want to stay here, we need to work out a strategy."
Pay attention to me, Buck wants to say. I need you to pay attention to me.
He takes a step towards Kinard and notices Kinard's breath hitch.
"Buckley," Kinard starts, and Buck kisses him. In the split-second before Kinard pushes him off, Kinard kisses him back.
"Buckley, I can't." It's a weak protest, and Buck steps back up to him again, holds Kinard like he'd hold a lover. Kisses his jawline.
"Buckley -," Kinard says again, then "Evan," and that's when Buck knows.
Kinard bullies him back against the wall, crashing his lips against Buck's. Kinard gets both of their dicks out, and his hand is huge and hot around them both. Buck buries his head into Kinard's shoulder, breathes out his name into his ear, and he's thrilled when he feels Kinard shudder. He doesn't expect the next words.
"Tommy," Kinard says. "My name is Tommy."
Buck comes straight into the curve of Tommy's hand. Tommy covers Buck's mouth with his free hand. Buck puts his tongue to good use, swirling it around Tommy's fingers, until he feels Tommy's hips stutter and then stop as he spills.
They're breathing heavily against each other for a moment until Tommy shifts away. He tucks himself back in, and Buck does the same. Buck's happy and satisfied; Tommy noticed him and he got a great orgasm out of it.
Tommy's wiping down his hands with one of the rags they use for cleaning engines. He looks up at Buck again. "I'll see you next shift, Buckley," he says. "You're dismissed."
Buck leaves Tommy's office with a spring in his step and plans to suck Tommy's dick the next time he gets the chance.
Three days later, Buck comes in to his next shift to find a new Captain, Bobby Nash, and the news that Tommy has stepped down.
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drfranklangdon · 5 months ago
Buck hears the chopper land and knows exactly who’s in the pilot’s seat. He looks over to Bobby, who is talking to Athena and a man he doesn’t recognize. Before he can ask, he’s cut off. “Make it quick.”
Buck grins and turns on his heels. Then he full-on sprints down the freeway, weaving through the sea of passengers and ambulances. He nearly knocks Eddie over and hears him snark something about being ‘thirsty’ to Hen.
Finally, he gets to the end of the make-shift runway they made. Tommy jumps out of the cockpit, looking insanely hot in his flight suit. The memory of him wearing it, and only it, while Buck went down on him a few weeks back flashes in his head. He quickly reminds himself they’re in public. There are too many cameras around for him to get a semi right now. “Pilot Kinard.”
Sauntering over to him, Tommy doesn’t shy away from checking his boyfriend out – eyes slowly scanning over Buck’s frame. “Firefighter Buckley.” He’s the hottest man to walk the earth. “Got a patient for me?”
“A-a patient?” Buck stammers, getting a little (a lot) lost watching Tommy’s lips as he spoke. “Oh y-yeah, the patient!” Buck looks behind them, to where Chim is doing his final check on the pilot Athena and the passengers kept alive through the crash. “He’s stable. Machine got his pulse back.”
“Great. Donato’s setting up for medevac.” They are so close. But they are tragically not touching. Tommy hasn’t even so much as given him a shoulder pat or ruffled his hair. Buck’s vibrating out his skin. He needs his boyfriend’s lips on his right now. “We have five minutes.”
That’s all Buck needs to hear. He quickly looks around; everyone else is busy with other survivors. He grabs Tommy by the collar of his flight suit and slams him against the closest engine. He crashes their lips together, tongue first.
Tommy makes the same surprised moan he did when they made out in the hospital. It takes a second for him to catch up, but he makes up for it by licking the roof of Buck’s mouth and pulling his hair, keeping them as close as possible.
“Don’t ever pull a stunt like this, okay?”
“Mmm hmm.” Tommy mumbles against his lips. Buck knows he can’t really make that promise. As a pilot, there’s always the risk of something going wrong. He doesn’t like to think about it.
Buck kisses his chin. “You’re texting me every time you take off…” Another to his jaw. “… and again when you land.”
Tommy chuckles and Buck can feel the vibration against his chest. “Of course, Evan.”
“Good.” He taps his chest. His strong and firm chest.
Tommy attempts to smooth down Buck’s curls, having messed them up during their embrace. “Once you’re done here, you coming over? I’m cooking.” Sounds perfect, exactly what Buck needs after a day like today. “I wanna hear all about you saving the day – I heard something about a motorbike?” He adds with a tilt of his head. Buck knows exactly what that glint in his eye means.
Giving another quick look around, he bites at Tommy’s lip – unable to hide his playful smirk as he grabs a fistful of his boyfriend’s ass. “Of course I’ll come over…” He kisses past his cheek to bite at Tommy’s ear lobe “… Daddy.” He whispers – just for him.
Tommy curses under his breath and his grip on Buck’s hips tighten. “Evan –“
“Buckley! Stop distracting my pilot.” Lucy yells from the chopper. “Get your ass overhear, Kinard!”
They, begrudgingly, separate. Tommy turns around once he’s halfway to the chopper. “We’re finishing this later.” Buck can’t help but bounce on his heels, arousal and excitement coursing through him. Buck not caring at all about failing the ‘not getting a semi’ plan.
Tommy gets into the cockpit and starts the engine. Wind gusts around them as the blades spin. The chopper starts to lift off, Buck waving at Tommy as he flies away. “Nice to see you too, Tommy!” Chim sarcastically shouts at the sky.
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tommygotwrittenoff · 7 months ago
confession time!! the real reason i cant get into bt is that they are simply not Insane enough about each other. every other main couple is so In Love with their partner to the point that they are actually Insane and should maybe be locked up. bt simply does not match that energy. but know who does? buddie. and those bitches arent even together.
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alchemistc · 6 months ago
He's at the kitchen sink rinsing dishes when the lock mechanism clicks in his front door. Something zings up his spine, that familiar little tingle that means he's about to be showered with affection and attention.
He doesn't turn, mostly because he's bound and determined to act normal just this fucking once (he's too in his head about the way money had exchanged hands the last time Tommy had met them all at the bar and he'd leapt from the table to greet him). The door sways open, almost silent except for the creak right at the end that no amount of WD40 seems to fix.
Buck rinses another dish.
Keys in the dish on the side board, the soft thump of Tommy's duffle on the bottom stair, the snick of the lock latching again, and the gentle pattern of work boots across the floor. Buck's a little surprised that Tommy doesn't say anything - he's nowhere near the same level of talkative as Buck but he's rarely solidly quiet.
Arms curl around his middle, thick wide hands shifting over the belly Buck's stopped worrying so much about keeping trim, since that two-week span he'd pinched a nerve and been told in no uncertain terms to take it fucking easy or risk mobility issues for the rest of his life and he'd decided to call them cheat weeks. Tommy's nose slides along his back, his lips shift over the knob of Buck's spine, two-day beard scratches at the exposed skin of Buck's neck and Tommy sighs, long and deep and tired.
"Hey," Buck says, a still damp hand curling over the bulk of Tommy's forearm, and Tommy hums against the back of his head.
Buck waits a beat while Tommy sort of slumps his weight into Buck's back.
And it's this - this bone deep calm that shivers over both of them at the end of a long day - this knowledge that they can finally unwind in each other's presence. That just like Tommy is happy to let Buck unload after a rough shift, Tommy is willing to take that same comfort from Buck. Buck never has to chase to figure out what he can do to help Tommy. He never has to guess at what Tommy needs to feel supported. Tommy will take - and when he's not sure, or it feels too much, he'll ask. No mixed signals, no needs unmet, no over the top gestures to overcompensate. Just.
"Hi," Tommy says, and presses a kiss to the dimple of Buck's skull. "Smells good in here."
There's a roast keeping warm in the oven, some simple thing Buck had asked Bobby's help in perfecting because Tommy "Meat and Potatoes" Kinard had finally admitted he hadn't had a good roast since his mother passed and he missed them. And Buck hadn't known Tommy'd had a shitty shift until well after he'd thrown the roast in but the terse, one word responses to Buck's texts and the lack of typical post-shower selfie had been a pretty good indication.
"Go sit. I'll grab you some wine. Dinner should be - ten-ish minutes?*
Tommy's arms tighten. One big hand presses into his stomach, just enough to tip Buck back into the cradle of Tommy's hips, just enough to make them flush from head to toe. "Gimme a minute, Buckley," Tommy murmurs, and Buck feels that buzz under his skin, can't help the shit eating grin that curls his lips. Tommy's nose digs into his curls. "Come home just for hugs and you tell me to sit down," he scoffs, and Buck doesn't waste any more time pretending to do dishes - he gets the faucet off and sways back into Tommy to make himself just enough room to spin, arms already coming up even as Tommy hooks a chin over his shoulder and digs into the meat of it.
Tommy's back is tense at Buck's first pass, but by the time he's rubbed up and down another two times he's sort of melted bonelessly into Buck's front, a few shuddering sighs drawing from somewhere deep inside his chest to make a home in Buck's collar bone.
He wants to stick Tommy in his pocket and take care of him, but barring any shrink ray technology he'll settle for being a safe place for Tommy to land.
"Love you," Buck murmurs into the hair curling over Tommy's ear - because he can, because the word had been so terrifyingly easy to say the first time and has only gotten better from there.
Tommy huffs against his cheek. "Trying to pepper me with words to get me off you? Not gonna work. Might just stay here all night now.*
*We'd get uncomfortable standing so long." Tommy hums. "We wouldn't be able to eat."
"Can't have that."
"I'll let you play footsie with me for dinner."
"I'm close to accepting your terms. You got a kicker?"
"There's cannoli in the fridge for after."
Tommy whistles, impressed and only a little mocking. "I get five spontaneous handholds, too," he negotiates, like Buck doesn't blush deep as a tomato every time Tommy snags his hand just to hold it.
"Are they still spontaneous if -."
"Shake on it?"
Tommy flicks his tongue against his teeth. Seems to contemplate it for a moment, and then licks a line up Buck's neck instead. "That binding enough for you?"
Buck doesn't bother to hide the way his dick twitches against the seam of his zipper. Tommy chuckles.
"That a yes?"
Buck only eyes up Tommy's neck for soot before he follows Tommy's example.
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rcmclachlan · 2 months ago
Tommy Kinard, from a long line of Gloucester fishermen. Hence his penchant for ill-fitting jeans, flannel, and affection via bitchiness.
He and Evan are sitting on the little bench outside The Causeway waiting for their chowder—best in the country, hands down—when Evan, who's been quietly studying boats in various stages of winter wrapping across the road, suddenly asks, "Why did you leave here? It's awesome. The downtown area looks like something out of a postcard—"
"It does not," Tommy interjects. "Rockport's downtown, on the other hand..."
"—and the beaches feel like real beaches, even if they do smell like shit."
Tommy tilts his head back and inhales the heavy, but comfortingly familiar stench of low tide. "I left because the town's unofficial motto used to be 'Come for the heroin, stay because you've developed a crippling heroin addiction.'"
Unimpressed, Evan nudges him with an elbow, then jumps to his feet to get the door for a family of six who will be waiting at least a month for a table big enough to accommodate them to open up.
The Causeway is approximately the size of an elevator car. Despite its outward appearance, it's relatively new; it hadn't been there when Tommy was a kid. The little cinema next door had been, though, and he feels a surge of pride for the Williams family that it's still going after all this time.
"No, but seriously." Evan hunkers back down next to him. "Why'd you leave?"
"Why'd you leave Hershey?" Tommy counters.
The corner of Evan's mouth twitches knowingly. He's got Tommy's number in a way no one else does. "You know why I left. But you could've stayed here and done anything. Massachusetts might be even more progressive than California—I mean, it was the first state to legalize gay marriage. Plus, I know there's an air base nearby."
"Hanscom," Tommy says. "It belongs to the Air Force and I wouldn't have been caught dead joining them."
Evan gives him a dubious look. "But the Army was okay?"
"Don't you know, Evan? The Army is for real men," he says with a grin, putting an emphasis on it so Evan knows just whose words he's parroting. "The Air Force is for fa—"
"Yeah, okay, I got it," Evan says loudly, cutting a furtive glance at the people on the other bench, who are too busy looking at their phones and not talking to each other to pay attention to any casual homophobia. "You're gonna get us run out of town."
"Please, it's Gloucester. If anything, they'll probably join in."
Evan deflates a little, pouting, and Tommy is helpless against the urge to press a kiss to his hair. What Evan doesn't understand is that Massachusetts is like an impressionist painting: beautiful if you're standing back far enough to see the whole of it, but get closer and it's as ugly as anywhere else.
"My point was," Tommy continues, "I left because I needed something more than what this place could give me, same as you. And also I needed to be somewhere with a spring wind chill above -10°."
"You bitch if the temps hit above 70," Evan points out.
"I also bitch if the day ends in Y." Tommy shrugs. "Bitching is the official state sport, especially when it comes to the weather."
Checking his phone for the time, Evan heaves an impatient sigh and drops his chin onto Tommy's shoulder. He's too used to LA's food trucks to last a minute here. "There's so much here, though. Like, Worcester looked fun."
Tommy winces. "It's pronounced 'Wuss-ter'."
Wide-eyed, Evan lifts his head. "You're shitting me."
"I shit you not," Tommy says. "And Worcester's okay. It's big, though. And a pain in the ass to navigate."
"What's beyond Worcester?"
"Nobody knows." He coughs out a 'fuck' when Evan buries an elbow in his gut.
Laughing, Evan echoes, "'Fahk.' There's the accent I've been hoping to hear. I mean, heeyah. Try and hide it all you want, Kinard, I know what you are."
"Okay, Hershey, I dare you to say 'water' like a normal person," Tommy can't help but tease. "Remember, there's no U or D in it."
Eyes sparkling, Evan presses close with a shit-eating grin and says slyly, "I'll show U where to put a D."
Before Tommy can shove him off the bench for that one, the door to the restaurant opens and a head pops out. "Order for Kinard?"
"Saved by the clams," Evan chortles, standing up when Tommy goes to grab the bag from the kid. He gives a long, luxurious stretch, and Tommy can't help but let his eyes be drawn to Evan's belly when his shirt rides up. "Where do you want to eat? We could go sit down by the beach. There's a big dahlia garden display there."
Huh. They still do that? That's actually kind of sweet, but Tommy has plans and they don't involve the public.
"If you don't mind a bit of light trespassing, we'll head up to Mussel Point. The view's well worth it."
Intrigued, Evan lifts his brows. "Trespassing? Gee, Tommy, you take me to all the best places."
That snark is nowhere to be found half an hour later when Evan's full of clam chowder and getting ruthlessly jacked off while the ocean bays at his feet, but Tommy doesn't call him on it.
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no-goodbyes-no-regrets · 4 months ago
a little Tommy & Chim bffs for @rileychester
"Her ladyship requests, no demands, uncle Buck reading her a story before bed instead of her own mother." Maddie said, walking back into the livingroom after having gone to put Jee to bed half an hour ago.
"What can I say, it's not easy being this popular." Buck joked and extracted himself from where he'd been happily tucked under Tommy's arm on Maddie and Chimney's way too comfortable sofa. He quickly kissed Tommy, murmured something about being right back, and followed Maddie up to Jee's room.
Tommy watched him until he was out of the room and then turned back to Chim who was laughing at him.
"Damn Kinard you've got it bad."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Tommy said, trying to act somewhat cool and hide his reddening cheeks behind his wine glass.
"Yeah I'm sure you don't." Chim took a sip of his own drink. "I mean I love Maddie more than anything in the world, but I don't kiss her goodbye when she leaves the room."
"Well maybe you should start." Tommy told him. If he was getting called out, he might as well own it. "It's working pretty well for us."
"She'd probably think I was going crazy and call Hen to come check me over. Who would then also ask me if I'd lost my mind." He said and they both laughed. "But it's good to see you so happy, man. Both of you. Even if I never in a million years would have guessed that you two would end up together."
"Me neither really." Tommy admitted. "I actually almost let your call go to voicemail that night. My shift was almost over and there was bad weather coming in... I just wanted to go home and catch up on some sleep."
"And there was me asking you to steal a helicopter because of a hunch. I'm sure Bobby is still very grateful you didn't ignore me." Chim said and raised his glass at him. "To team who cares!"
Tommy clinked his glass against Chim's.
"Bobby isn't the only one who's grateful. If I hadn't answered that call, i would have missed out on the greatest thing that ever happened to me. i wouldn't have met the love of my life. I wouldn't be here now. I might have downloaded that dating app again that I'd deleted off my phone a few days before or taken Lucy up on her offer to set me up with her friend." Tommy shook his head. "I'm just glad I did answer. it definitely changed my life for the better."
"You're getting sappy in your old age, Kinard." Chimney teased. "When is the wedding? Do I have time to buy a hat?" he joked, expecting Tommy to laugh with him. Only when he didn't say anything Chim really looked at him. "What? Tell me you didn't..."
"I asked Evan to marry me last night." Tommy told him after a beat. "He said yes."
Chimney blinked a few times to process the information.
"Of course he said yes! He's just as crazy about you as you are about him." he got up to hug his friend. "Welcome to the family, man. We'll officially be brothers."
Tommy smiled and finished the last of his wine.
"There is one thing I wanted to talk to you about though..."
"When Evan and I get married... will you be my best man?"
"It would be the greatest honour of my life."
Send me a prompt and I'll write you a ficlet!
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herrmannhalsteadproduction · 2 months ago
May I request different first meeting + meet funny? 😘💕💕💕💕
Cos we all deserved some fluff and floof in life heheheehe
Yes, you can! I hope you enjoy this and it makes up for the sad one!
Here be fluff, a different first meeting, and some laughs:
Donut Day was sacred.
This fact had been drilled into Tommy from his very first shift at Harbor. If it was your turn in the rotation, you came to work, donuts in hand. Or else.
Tommy was no fool. He'd never let himself find out what 'or else' was.
When it was his turn for Donut Day, he left two hours early so he could hit Pete's Donuts—arguably the best donut shop in all of L.A.—grab a selection of everyone's favorites, which he had memorized, thank you very much, and still make it to work on time.
Tommy was the king of Donut Day.
Except today—
Today, some guy—some punk kid—was going to cost him his crown.
To be fair, it wasn't entirely the kid's fault. Working an afternoon shift meant stopping by Pete's after the morning rush, but before the lunchtime restock was complete. Tommy thought he'd arrived early enough, but the shelves were looking pretty sad.
Which would have been fine if this guy hadn't made it through the door before him, securing a place in line ahead of Tommy, and seemed intent on buying out the place.
Nevermind, it was all this guy's fault.
Him and his...legs...that seemed to go on for days.
"I'll take that last Oreo one, please," the guy said and Tommy huffed under his breath.
Sorry about your luck, Jenkins. You're going to have to live with your second favorite—
"And that last strawberry shortcake one, too."
"Seriously?" Tommy whispered to himself, cursing his bad luck.
"Ooh, and that last triple chocolate one—"
"Oh, come on!" Tommy exclaimed, the words bursting out before he could stop them. Because really? Even the triple chocolate?
His favorite?
"Dude, what is your problem?" The guy whirled around to glare at him and Tommy felt it like a punch to the chest.
Because the donut thief was gorgeous.
Forget the legs for days and the muscled back and the equally muscled chest and arms—good god, the arms—how could Tommy focus on any of that when he was faced with the most beautiful blue eyes he'd ever seen.
And pouty lips on a mouth that had dropped open ever so slightly as the Donut Day interloper stared back at him.
"My problem?" Tommy asked, tearing his eyes away from the pouty lips back to the beautiful blue eyes that had gone wider when he took a little step closer. "My problem is you're going to get me fired if you keep buying up all the donuts. Or at least have a whole crew of hungry firefighters calling for my head."
He sent the donut thief a rueful smile. "Think you can help a guy out?"
"Y-you're a firefighter?" The guy said and if Tommy thought he was gorgeous before, he'd clearly misunderstood the meaning of the word. The grin that stretched across his face lit it up so brightly, Tommy suddenly understood why moths made such poor life choices.
He took another step closer. Drawn in by the light.
"I'm a firefighter too," the guy exclaimed. His face fell suddenly as he looked between Tommy and the display case of donuts. "It's my turn to bring the donuts too and if I don't bring the right ones, I'll never hear the end of it. Chim really likes those Oreo ones and Hen loves the strawberry shortcake—"
"Wait." Tommy laughed, shaking his head. "Are you at the 118?"
Of all the coincidences...
"Y-yeah, how did you know?" Blue Eyes grinned and this time he took a step closer.
"I used to work there, with Howie and Hen and everyone," Tommy said. He stuck a hand out. "Tommy Kinard."
"B—uh, Evan," Blue Eyes—Evan said. "Evan Buckley."
"Well, Evan Buckley, let's see if we can figure out a donut arrangement that works for everyone, yeah?"
The next ten minutes were spent playfully haggling over their choices—even going so far as to ask the very patient counter employee to cut a few in half. Tommy was pretty sure she'd been Instagramming most of their exchange so he didn't feel too bad about it.
Finally, donut boxes in hand, he and Evan left the shop, both lingering for a moment out on the sidewalk.
Tommy didn't miss the way Evan's eyes lingered over him at the same time. Zeroing in on his chin for some reason.
"That was some pretty good trouble-shooting in there," Tommy began, shaking Evan out of his chin-centric thoughts.
"Oh, uh, yeah," Evan said, shaking his head with a little laugh. "I'm going to get roasted over those donut halves though."
"You won't be the only one," Tommy said. He could already hear Jenkins' voice ranting at him over it.
But more importantly, he could feel the seconds ticking away before he and Evan would be going their separate ways and Tommy—for some reason—really didn't want to let that happen.
"You should give me your number," he heard himself saying. "So we can commiserate later."
"O-okay," Evan said, already digging his phone out of his pocket. "A-and you should give me yours. Tell me how you like the lime and jalapeno donut."
The one he'd talked Tommy into trying even though Tommy had zero tolerance for spice.
He was somehow already a complete pushover for this man.
They entered their numbers into each other's phones and handed them back with little grins.
"I should get going," Tommy said reluctantly, not able to put off the inevitable any longer. "It was really nice to meet you, Evan."
"You too," Evan said. "Tommy."
With one last smile, one last look, Tommy headed down the sidewalk to his truck, Evan leaving in the opposite direction.
Tommy turned back for one last last look and almost blushed at getting caught by Evan as he did it—before he realized Evan caught him because he was doing the exact same thing.
And Evan was definitely blushing.
How about that?
Despite his little donut thief adventure, Tommy still made it to work in plenty of time. He dropped the donuts off in the kitchen and stepped back as the hungry masses fell upon the boxes.
"Kinard!" Jenkins yelled out a few seconds later. He emerged from the huddle holding up half of an Oreo donut. "What the hell, man?"
"It was for a good cause," Tommy said. "Trust me."
Jenkins kept cranking at him, but Tommy was already tuning him out, attention caught by a new text on his phone.
A message from Evan.
Tommy opened it, chuckling over the picture of a very disgruntled looking Howie and Hen.
They're questioning our choices, the text read.
We'll just have to do better next time, Tommy wrote back.
He chewed on his lip, watching as three bubbles blinked in and out on his screen until finally—
Same time next week?
Can't wait, Tommy replied quickly.
He was going to be doing some heavy editing of the donut rotation for the foreseeable future and everyone was just going to have to deal with it...
Because Tommy had a donut thief to woo.
(This was from this ask game!)
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